[Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, approved by DE/DTE & recognized by Government of Maharashtra]
Savitribai Phule Pune University ID No.: PU/PN/CS/229/2005 | College Code: 797
Recognition of College Under Section of 2 (f) of the UCG Act, 1956.
Jain Religious Minority Institution
Courses after 12Mr. R. D. Medge, President of Mumbai Dabbawala Association and his team members visited Suryadatta Group of Institute Bavdhan, Pune to conduct the Seminar on “Secrets of zero error in the Logistic Management by Mumbai Dabbawala”. The seminar was attended by more than a thousand students from the junior college, graduation courses and MBA & PGDM Management Study Program.
While introducing the Dabbawala Association, Prof.Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya informed the students that Mr. R. D. Medge and his team members are a like part of the big Suryadatta family and almost every year they are visiting Suryadatta Institute during the induction program to acquaint the students about their Functioning. He further said to the response thunderous applause that Mumbai Dabbawala’s are not delivering the Dabbas but happiness both to the giver and receiver of the Dabbas.
While Interacting with students Mr. Medge; the President of Mumbai Dabbawala Association unveiled the secrets of Success in simple words. He said, the Founder of this Association had started this work with passion and devotion. Success follows those who never underestimate any work and devote themselves to their Goal.
During his Keynote Address, he informed the students that Mumbai Dabbawala Association is 125 years old and could continue with huge success because of their unique coding system. The Coding is not only for Dabbas but the Dabbawalas are also identified by a “Tilak” on their forehead, Gandhi cap on their head and Tulsibeads mala chain around their neck.
The daily delivery and return transactions are approximately 4 lakhs and the maximum error ratio is 1 to 8 million. This is what required for being Six Sigma Organization. The average academic qualification of Dabbawala is 8th Standard and they work for 9 to 10 hours per day. Their hard work, discipline, punctuality, unity and co-ordination are the characteristics which has made this organization a unique one in the world in spite of low level of their education and medium economic standards.
The organization is now 5000 Dabbawalas. The Mumabi Dabbawala Association is worldwide acclaimed and has received many numerous accolades from presidents, princes and high dignitaries across the world.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. N.C. Sethia who told the students that Mumbai Dabbawala Association is itself an university for studying Supply Chain and Logistic Management. He appealed to the Management faculty students that they must do the casestudy of Functioning of Mumbai Dabbawala Association and a Few of them would be selected by Dabbawala during their summer project.