As per the new NAAC guidelines of NAAC following will be the composition of IQAC for the Academic Year 2021-22

Sr. No. Name of the Person Designation Designation in IQAC
1 Dr.Abbas Lokhandwala Principal Chairperson: Head of the Institution
2 Mr.Deepak Singh Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
3 Ms.Monali Meghal Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
4 Ms.Natali Sakharkar Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
5 Ms.Jyoti Gaikwad Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
6 Ms.Yashoda Barve Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
7 Ms.Priya Barhate Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
8 Ms.Snehal Navlakha Management Representative Management Representative
9 Ms.Netra Deshpande Administrative Officer Administrative Officer
10 Ms.Ruta Joshi Adminstrative Officer Administrative Officer
11 Mr.Neelkand Bajaj  Local Society Representative Local Society Representative
12 Mr.Atharva Mahajan 2020-23 Batch Student Representative
14 Mr.Bharat Gupta 2020-2022 Batch Alumni Representative
15 Dr.PratikshaWable Dean (Academics) Invitee
16 Industrialist
17 Ms.Suneeta Manekar Guardian of Ms. Kareena Manekar 2019-22 Batch Parent Representative
18 Dr.Shailesh Kasande CEO & Group Director Invitee
19 Monika Kulkarni Assistant Professor IQAC Coordinator, Member Secretary

As per the new NAAC guidelines following will be the composition of IQAC for the Academic Year 2022-23

Sr. No. Name of the Person Designation Designation in IQAC
1 Dr.Abbas Lokhandwala Principal Chairperson: Head of the Institution
2 Mr.Deepak Singh Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
3 Ms.Monali Meghal Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
4 Ms.Natali Sakharkar Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
5 Ms.Jyoti Gaikwad Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
6 Ms.Yashoda Barve Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
7 Ms.Priya Barhate Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
8 Ms.Snehal Navlakha Management Representative Management Representative
9 Ms.Netra Deshpande Administrative Officer Administrative Officer
10 Ms.Sheetal Phadke Adminstrative Officer Administrative Officer
11 Mr.Neelkand Bajaj  Local Society Representative Local Society Representative
12 Mr.Atharva Mahajan 2020-23 Batch Student Representative
13 Mr.Bharat Gupta 2020-2022 Batch Alumni Representative
14 Dr.Pratiksha Wable Dean (Academics) Invitee
15 Mr.Juzer Haderi NENCO Enterprise Industrialist
16 Mr. Rajesh Naik Father of Ms. Riya Naik Parent Representative
17 Dr.Shailesh Kasande CEO & Group Director Invitee
18 CMA Monika Kulkarni Assistant Professor IQAC Coordinator, Member Secretary

As per the new NAAC guidelines following will be the composition of IQAC for the Academic Year 2023-24

Sr. No. Name of the Person Designation Designation in IQAC
1 Dr.Abbas Lokhandwala Principal Chairperson: Head of the Institution
2 Mr.Deepak Singh Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
3 Ms. Shilpa Sant Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
4 Ms.Monali Meghal Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
5 Dr. Ragini Mehta Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
6 Dr. Mankurani Goel Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
7 Mr. Sandeep Dhore Assistant Professor Teacher Representative
8 Ms.Snehal Navlakha Management Representative Management Representative
9 Ms.Sheetal Phadake Administrative Officer Administrative Officer
10 Ms.Netra Deshpande Adminstrative Officer Administrative Officer
11 Mr.Neelkand Bajaj  Local Society Representative Local Society Representative
12 Mr.Eklavya Zavare 2021-24 Batch Student Representative
13 Mr.Atharva Mahajan 2020-2023 Batch Alumni Representative
14 Dr.Pratiksha Wable Dean (Academics) Invitee
15 Mr.Juzer Haderi NENCO Enterprise Industrialist
16 Ms. Archana Sarda Ms. Nidhi Sarda Mother Parent Representative
17 Dr.Shailesh Kasande CEO & Group Director Invitee
18 CMA Monika Kulkarni Assistant Professor IQAC Coordinator, Member Secretary
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